Podcast: Breaking Glass - Media, Equity and Influence

I had the pleasure of speaking with Sabrina Merage Naim and Kassia Binkowski, the hosts of the new podcast Breaking Glass about women in media. I shared my thoughts on equity and how we might get there, and the responsibility that I believe women in positions of power have to drop the ladder behind them as they move up by mentoring and advocating for other women to advance.

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Table for 12, Please: HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge

Globally, there are currently 22 gender-balanced cabinets, 14 of which have at least 50% women ministers.* If Biden's nominees are approved, the United States will finally join this group, with 12 of the U.S.'s 23 Cabinet-level positions being held by women. In this Table for 12 series, I'm focusing on the 12 women and women of color in Biden's cabinet, the most ever. This week: Marcia Fudge.

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Woman Up, But Not 'On the Basis of Sex' Alone

As a tribute to the precedent setting, culture shifting cases that Justice Ginsburg defended as a lawyer and protected as a Supreme Court Justice, I am expanding my Woman Up campaign to focus on men running for the U.S. Senate. After all, we can’t make voter choices on the basis of sex singularly or we miss the opportunity to ‘Woman Up’ for some very good men — and in order to take back the Senate, these races are key.

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The DNC and Georgia ‘Women Up’

Georgia is a state with a proud history of what John Lewis liked to call "good trouble” and today, many of Georgia's women leaders are continuing to stir up good trouble for democracy, racial justice and equality. More women from Georgia spoke during the DNC than any other state. I am feeling a sense of pride in my sister Georgians and a powerful dose of hope, too, that these voices represent our future. Let’s hear from them!

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WOW Global 24 Video: 3 Panels on Climate Justice in the Age of Covid-19

What is climate justice and how can we achieve it? In this illuminating session from today’s WOW Global 24 Festival, our panel of experts, activists and world leaders discuss how we can bring together the knowledge of the world’s Indigenous women and climate scientists to build understanding of the planet and resilience of communities of all kinds to cope with climate change and care for the planet.

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12 TEDWomen Talks to Watch and Share at This Moment

I share this post as a white woman of privilege. Ten years ago, I used that privilege to partner with the TED organization to create and curate a TED conference of TEDTalks by women — TEDWomen. In this time of deep listening and important learning, I wanted to share with you just a few of those talks from TEDWomen conferences that have informed my thinking and that live in my heart.

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Watch EarthxWomen Climate Justice Panel

How are women and girls leading towards the global RESET of policies, politics, global agreements and human behavior that can emerge from this time of contagion and confusion? Watch women leaders from around the globe, girls and women leading from the frontlines of the climate crisis, talking about climate change and climate justice in the time of COVID-19.

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One Billion Rising to Stop Sexual Violence

Globally, more than one in three women is a victim of sexual violence at some point in their lives. That's one billion women and girls. One billion. Every February, women and men rise up to create a new kind of consciousness about this violence, to dance, march, sing, and otherwise voice their resolve that this violence will no longer be tolerated and must be resisted until it is unthinkable.

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